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101. Eve Passwords MUST contain a capital letter - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
It helps with your account security. We could allow people have their password at 12345 but wouldn't that be easy to guess? Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 22:00:00
102. I have figured out who is running all the BOTS!!!! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
locked for trolling Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 21:57:00
103. Multitouch Eve Online! - in My EVE [original thread]
That's actually really cool! Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 21:53:00
104. [MRVAHFTFF016] Vahrokh's Ethical Fund of Funds - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Trolling comment removed Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 21:16:00
105. Multitouch Eve Online! - in My EVE [original thread]
Moved from general discussion Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 20:52:00
106. Industrial corp looking to grow - in Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center [original thread]
Removed thread hijacking text. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.10 18:35:00
107. San Francisco eve players - in Events and Gatherings Archive [original thread]
Originally by: Rod Throckmoore From the Sunset here. I used to live in the sunset off 34 and Judah and frequented a little place called Durty Nellies. Ever heard of it? Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.09 22:22:00
108. Drinking Alcohol at Fanfest?? - in Events and Gatherings Archive [original thread]
Originally by: Angel HUN If you are sober when leaving the hotel, you are already doing it wrong. Well you can't drink all day unless you start in the morning At previous Fanfests players have been able to purchase beer at the venu...
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.09 18:52:00
109. No subject - in Intergalactic Summit [original thread]
Removed OOC comments Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.09 17:20:00
110. Open Mining Ops (Orca supported) - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Locking as the OP has created a new thread to clear confusion . In the future please request that the thread be closed instead of creating a duplicate thread. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.09 17:06:00
111. WTB Erebus BPC - in Want Ads & Trades [original thread]
Moved from Sell Orders Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.07 22:19:00
112. TBC The Black Company - Hiring Soldiers - in Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center [original thread]
Removed a trolling post from a recruitment thread. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.07 20:23:00
113. Windows 7 Eve theme created - in My EVE [original thread]
Moved from general discussion Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.07 19:55:00
114. iceland fanfest - in Events and Gatherings Archive [original thread]
Moved from Out of Pod forums Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.07 15:55:00
115. Moderators on strike? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Not on strike but thanks for pointing me to your post with the killmail Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 21:58:00
116. nice kill - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Locked because the killboard link was removed which left no content in the OP. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 21:57:00
117. Eve Store in Reykjavik ? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The EVE Store will be available during fanfest. Other than that we do not have an official store there. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 21:31:00
118. Obscene character names, new and old? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
If you ever come across a name that's questionable to you please submit a petition . The GMs will take a look at it and review it. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 21:06:00
119. Black Core 0.0 Sov Alliance looking for new corps! - in Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center [original thread]
Please review the bumping policy here in the corporation and alliance recruitment forum. Bumping * Bumping is allowed only by the character who started the thread. If you use another character you will get warned. * Bumping must consist of a ...
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 16:31:00
120. So which are you going to play? - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Removed discussion of moderation Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.04 15:51:00
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